Mixtive developed
Augmented Reality
With ARCall, we change how we communicate with the support of Augmented Reality. Feel the presence of your colleagues & friends by seeing them as lifelike avatars on the floor in front of you – through your mobile or AR glasses. Partnering with Deutsche Telekom.
VR Conference
Step into a virtual conference room by using VR headsets or smartphones and feel the participants being there with you. Talk or present, draw on whiteboards or in 3D to share ideas. Partnering with Telia Company and Sony Mobile.
AR Schoolyard
Learn about and support the Earth and UN Global Goals by engaging students in fun and social activities while using Augmented Reality. Proudly selected for support from Norrsken House 2020, SIDA 2019 and Vinnova Aktiva Skoltransporter.
Global art iOS and Android app to build art on a gps coordinate for others to find and enjoy.
History on 100 tourist places
With AR History, we placed digitized top guides on a position, or at home, in Augmented Reality. iOS and Android app. For people to enjoy the most famous sites and history.